Sets the desired picture quality (signal-to-noise ratio in decibels). Rendering will stop as soon as the average quality reaches the Avr value, and the minimum Min. Set Avr to the maximum value to disable this criterion.
Max Iterations
Sets the maximum number of passes (iterations). Dali Renderer is a type of renderer for which the image quality does not depend linearly on the number of passes. There are "golden" values that give the maximum quality. Abstractly, such a property can be represented as a power line going uphill: each next pole is higher than the previous one, but the wires between the poles sag a little. In the case of Dali Renderer, ideal values are 256, 1024, 4096, 16384, etc. Very good values are 256 * n, where n is an integer. You can use any other values, but these are recommended for final renders.
In the case of adaptive rendering, this rule loses its meaning and Dali Renderer will take care of the best picture by itself.
Max Time
Sets the criterion for stopping by time.
Image adaptation
Enables rendering adaptation. The adaptation consists of several algorithms. Configurable in more detail on the tab Camera Options.
Emitter adaptation
Enables adaptation of light sources. Sources that do not contribute much to the image will have the lowest priority. The adaptation of the sources is done in the scene space, which automatically turns it on for the secondary rays too. For adaptation, 16-32 preliminary passes are allocated for the collection of statistics (Training). Configurable in more detail on the tab Camera Options.
Path guiding
Enables directional adaptation when bouncing secondary rays. If the scene is dominated by secondary lighting and there are no or few sources of illumination in the line of sight, then Path guiding will significantly improve the quality of the picture. For example, if light enters from the Sun through a window, reflects off walls, enters through a door to another room, reflects off the walls there and illuminates the scene, then Path guiding is the only technology that will allow you to render this scene. For adaptation, 16-32 preliminary passes are allocated for the collection of statistics (Training). Configurable in more detail on the tab Camera Options.
Rays per pixel/pass
Several passes can be combined into one. This does not affect quality, but may be faster due to better cache utilization. This makes the rendering of each "compound" pass slower. If fast previews are important to you, then don't use this property. On the contrary, it is recommended to use for long night renders.
GI to AA balance
After the first impact with the surface, the ray from the camera can be cloned into different directions GItoAA times. This will give better quality in scenes with secondary lighting, but spend less computational resources on anti-aliasing.
If the value is greater than 1, then the rendering of dielectrics starts working in a special mode of redistribution of resources between refraction and reflection. This gives increased quality in some scenes.
Dielectric sphere with green emitter reflection. Above 512 passes with GI2AA = 1, below 256 passes with GI2AA = 2. The render times are the same.
Emitter samples
Sets the number of rays for direct illumination from light sources. In case the light sources are mostly darkened by obstructions, this parameter can be increased. In underwater scenes where the Sun is not visible in a straight line, set the value to zero.
Integrator, Path Connection, Photon Merging, Merge Diameter, Merge Time, Photons per pixel
Not available - reserved for future versions.
Motion blur
Enables motion blur. For convenience, duplicates the switch on the tab Camera Options.
Depth of field
Enables DOF. For convenience, duplicates the switch on the tab Camera Options.
Spectral rendering
Enables spectral rendering. For convenience, duplicates the switch on the tab Color Options.
Enables stereo rendering. For convenience, duplicates the switch on the tab Stereo Options.
Enables displacement maps.
Allows rendering of volumetric materials (Volumetric Medium) - fogs, clouds, etc. Does not apply to subsurface scattering (SSS).
Enables REDS algorithm for rare events and caustics. Recommended to be used in conjunction with Path guiding.
Enables rendering of AOV channels. For convenience, duplicates the switch on the tab AOV Options.