Enables rendering and export of AOV channels. For convenience, it duplicates the switch on the
Quality Options tab. For correct export, the export path and base name must be set. When rendering, all objects have assigned AOV IDs - numbers from 1 to 31. Environment Map always has AOV ID 32. Different objects may have the same AOV ID or not at all. Thus, there are 31 types of groups, into which the scene can be divided. The AOV IDs themselves can be assigned using the standard 3DS MAX GUI, for example, for objects on the Object Properties tab.
After the objects of interest have received their AOV IDs, you need to create one or more AOV channels, and specify for them the conditions under which the samples will be sent to these channels.
The channels themselves will be exported as separate EXR files or as layers in a single common EXR file.
Specifies the path for exporting AOV channels. If not specified, the path specified on the
System Options tab will be used.
Sets the base name (template) for exporting AOV channels. If not specified, the template specified on the
System Options tab will be used.
You can use the keywords %frame, %name, %type, %stereo in your template, which will be replaced with frame number, channel name, channel type and stereo type, respectively.
Channels Auto, Same file, Separate files
Specifies how to export individual channels:
Auto - the method will be set in the channel itself.
Same file - write everything to separate layers of one file. Settings within channels are ignored.
Separate files - write everything to separate files. Settings within channels are ignored.
Export all channel data as 16-bit precision floats.
Before exporting for all channels that support it, apply color grading from 3DS MAX (Tone Operator).
If rendering is not a full area of the screen, save only the rendering area. Otherwise, save the full frame with a black background.
Add a new channel or delete an old one.
When a channel is highlighted, the settings of the selected channel become available in the channel list.
Configures the main channel type:
Beauty RGB - The final picture with Fireflies removed and brightness limited.
Raw RGB - The final picture, but without removing the Fireflies and limiting the brightness ..
Alpha - The "density" of the geometry. 0 if the primary ray from the camera did not collide with the geometry, 1 if it collided.
Depth - The distance to the geometry from the camera for the primary ray.
Environment - Environment Map excluding secondary reflections.
Albedo - The reflectivity of a material without lighting applied to it.
Direct - The picture at the first bounce of the ray from the geometry, without secondary lighting.
Indirect - The picture after the first bounce, i.e. secondary lighting.
Emission - Emitting objects.
Normal - Normal at the place of the first collision of the ray from the camera with the geometry. In world coordinates.
Position - World coordinates at the location of the first collision of the ray from the camera with the geometry.
Texture UVW # n - Texture coordinates #n at the place of the first collision of the ray from the camera with the geometry.
Russian Roulette - Indicates if Russian Roulette has been applied. A value from 0 to 1.
Ray Limit - Indicates whether the ray tracing path depth limit has been reached. A value from 0 to 1.
Ray Count - Shows the relative number of rays that have passed through this pixel.
The local name for this channel.
Allows rendering and export of this channel.
Allows writing the channel to a separate file. Otherwise, the channel will be written to the common file as a separate layer. The option can be globally overridden.
Writes a half-precision pipe as a 16-bit floating point number. The option can be globally overridden.
Some types of channels cannot be exported with half precision.
Apply color correction to the channel (Tone Operator). The option can be globally overridden.
Perform channel denoising.
Write to this channel only if any event from this list has occurred.
Do not write to this channel if any event from this list has occurred.
Write to this channel only if the ray collided with any object from this list.
Do not write to this channel if the ray collided with any object from this list.