This texture map creates a gradient on a surface or in volume.
Standard tab for generating texture coordinates.
Gradient type:
- Linear 2D: returns the V coordinate.
- Triangle 2D: returns the absolute value of the V coordinate.
- Radial 2D: returns distance from point (0.5, 0.5) to point (U, V).
- Radial 3D: returns the distance from the origin to the point (U, V, W).
- Linear 3D: returns the W coordinate.
- Triangle 3D: returns the absolute value of the W coordinate.
- Cylinder 3D: returns the distance from the origin to the point (U, V, 0).
Outer color
The color at the outer edge of the gradient, at the value of 1.
Middle color
The color that is in the middle of the gradient, but not necessarily at a value of 0.5 - this is configured by the Middle center parameter.
Inner color
The inner color at the gradient value of 0.
Middle center
The position of the Middle color in the gradient.
Allows you to mix an additional arbitrary texture map into the gradient, not necessarily Noise texture map. This name comes from a similar map in 3DS MAX, which can only add noise. Additionally, you can set the weight and color of the map.
Noise operation
Method of mixing an additional map.
Threshold Low
Lower value for soft modification of additional map values.
Threshold High
Upper value for soft modification of additional map values.
The softness of the values of the additional map.
Reference node space
Allows you to replace world coordinates with similar ones, but from another object.
Optional changes to gradient values using a spline.