This texture map is used to generate the noise. The noise has no repetitions over an interval of 4 billion values on each of the axes.
Standard tab for generating texture coordinates.
Sets the type of noise:
- Brick : a set of random nested squares.
- Fractal: classic Perlin noise.
- Turbulence: mirrored Perlin noise.
[0, 1] range
Without this option, the noise values will be located on the interval [-1, 1] around the value 0. With this option enabled, the noise will be shifted on the interval [0, 1] centered at 0.5
The number of dimensions on which to generate noise.
1 - on a straight line;
2 - on the plane;
3 - in volume.
The output format of the noise, the dimension of its values.
1 - noise values will be numbers.
2 - noise values will be 2D vectors on the plane.
3 - noise values will be 3D vectors in volume.
The number of octaves in the noise. Noise values are the sum of several octaves.
Initial value for the random number generator.
Color 0
The final texture map values will be obtained by interpolating between two colors: the color for value 0 and the color for value 1.
This parameter sets the color for noise value 0.
The option is only applicable if the Out parameter is 1.
Color 1
This option sets the color for noise value 1.
The option is only applicable if the Out parameter is 1.
Threshold Low
Noise values less than this parameter will be clipped and the entire interval will be shifted down.
The option is only applicable if the Out parameter is 1.
Threshold High
Noise values greater than this parameter will be clipped and the entire interval will be shifted up.
The option is only applicable if the Out parameter is 1.
Specifies the scale of the noise in space.
- 3D: allows you to set the scale, different for different axes.
Shifts the noise in phase.
Initial noise amplitude: the height of the first octave.
Increasing the height of an octave from the previous one.
Decrease the scale of the octave compared to the previous one.
Allows you to distort the texture coordinates by the gradient of this noise.
Example of distorted noise:
Standard color correction tab.
The tab settings are only applicable if the Out parameter is 1.