User guide

3.2.1. Surface subdivision with Open Subdiv library

Dali Renderer supports the Open Subdiv library for subdividing surfaces. All library properties are supported, including approximation using 2D splines. The Loop algorithm for approximation of triangular meshes is supported also.
Dali Renderer automatically detects if the Open Subdiv modifier exists at the top of the object's stack, and if so, then Dali Renderer can "take over" control and perform the partitioning with its own built-in copy of the library. This will speed up scene preprocessing, as there will be less geometry to transfer from 3DS MAX and the Open Subdiv library itself can be called in multi-threaded mode.
If you plan to use Loop meshing, then it is recommended to use the Edit Mesh modifier at the top of the stack - this will give geometry in the form of triangles. Polygons are better for subdividing with Catmull-Clark, so it's better to use the Edit Poly modifier.