User guide

3.5. Emitters

Dali Renderer supports
In the case of using adaptation of illumination sources, adaptation is also performed for the sky model: only those parts of the sky that have some effect on the scene will be sampled.
You can add any texture map graph to the Environment Map slot with any number of Physical Sun & Sky Environment (Photometric Sun Positioner), Dali Sun, or HD spherical maps. In this case, it becomes possible to add clouds to the sky or create alien landscapes with several suns or planets.
Example: Two Dali Sun maps shared with Dali Math node (Add operation).
The coordinates and rotation of the emitter can be animated within the frame using spline keys. The coordinates and rotation of the Light Target can be animated inside the frame using spline keys.
Supported emitter settings:
 - Light Properties
 - Light Distribution (type) : Spotlight, Uniform Diffuse, Uniform Spherical. Photometric WEB is not currently supported.
 - Color. Illumination templates are not recommended for use in spectral mode - this will introduce color distortions.
 - Shape distribution (Emit light from shape)
 - Projector map. If the current Physical Sun & Sky Environment model is specified as a projector map, then this emitter will be converted into an environment portal for more efficient sampling of the Sun and Sky.